Saturday, May 2, 2020

Year to date climate

Hope you all have enjoyed this spectacular Saturday, weather-wise!

Yesterday we took a look at climate data for the month of April, and today we'll take a look at similar data for 2020 so far. While April proved to be a wet and cold month compared to normal for most of the Northeast, we've been fairly warm so far this year.
2020 mean temperature rankings. Low numbers indicate a warm year. "2" would mean the second warmest year on record for that station (Southeast Regional Climate Center).
The above map shows rankings for the mean temperature for 2020 so far. Records date back over 100 years for most stations, and if you see a 1 on that map, it indicates that it is the warmest year on record so far at that location. So clearly it's been quite warm so far in the East this year.

As for precipitation, its been a fairly normal year.
2020 total precipitation rankings for stations. Low numbers indicate a wet year. "2" would mean the second warmest year on record for that station (Southeast Regional Climate Center).
Precipitation has been rather normal in New England so far this year, although areas in the Appalachian mountains near West Virginia have been quite wet. I'll keep updated on these data as 2020 progresses. 

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