Friday, February 12, 2021

Arctic Air

The big weather story for much of the country this weekend is the impressive arctic air outbreak that many will experience.

Here's a look at current surface temperatures across the U.S.

(Weather Central)

Many areas in the midwest are currently seeing temperatures below zero, and this is just the beginning. Notice how parts of Texas are also well below freezing.

Take a look at the most recent operational GFS 2-m temperature forecast from now through next Friday. That persistent, stubborn arctic airmass will not release its wrath on much of the country.

(Tropical Tidbits)

What is responsible for this arctic blast that we'll be experiencing? We can thank the polar vortex, a strong and persistent area of low pressure and cold air that typically lies in the arctic. When the polar vortex weakens (as is the case now), bouts of arctic air can push southward, causing frigid temperatures here in the U.S.


To visualize what we're experiencing now, let's take a look at the GFS 2-m forecasted temperature anomaly map for North America on Monday.

(Tropical Tidbits)

Notice how much of the U.S. will be much colder than normal, while the arctic will be warmer than normal. This is due to the weakening polar vortex. The weakening of the polar vortex will allow cold air to descend from the arctic, leaving warmer-than-normal air there, while areas south will experience frigid arctic air.

Just for fun, here's a 2-m temperature map for Tuesday morning from the GFS. Much of Texas will look to experience below zero temperatures.

(Tropical Tidbits)

Pray for Texas!

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